Rabu, 07 November 2012

Qoutes about snow:
1. To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality because of race or color is like living in Alaska and being against snow.
William Faulkner

2. Blondes make the best victims. They're like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints.
Alfred Hitchcock

3. Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won't make it 'white'.
Bing Crosby

4. Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life. Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall. Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands all alone. Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring.
William Alexander

5. When you think about it, we're strapping strange planks of wood to our feet and launching off of giant snow walls. It's pretty intense.
Shaun White

6. I know my family and I would always go up to the mountains just for fun. We always skied. Then, all of a sudden, my brother started snow boarding. Older brother thing, I had to do what he was doing. So I started snow boarding.
Shaun White
7. As the game enters its glorious final weeks, the chill of fall signals the reality of defeat for all but one team. The fields of play will turn brown and harden, the snow will fall, but in the heart of the fan sprouts a sprig of green.
John Thorn

8.'Snow White' is an old fairy tale, so obviously the idea of vanity and obsession with youth is long-standing. With today's science, people have become crazy with trying to move their face around. It's bizarre.
Julia Roberts

9. And I ask why am I black, they say I was born in sin, and shamed inequity. One of the main songs we used to sing in church makes me sick, 'love wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
Peter Tosh

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Snow White Story

A long time ago, a child was born to a queen and king and she was called Snow White.  When the queen died, the king married again.  This new queen was wicked and hated Snow white.  The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant.
Snow White grew very beautiful and one day a Prince riding by, saw her at work and fell in love with her.
The queen was beautiful too, and every day she asked her Magic Mirror, "Who is the fairest in the land?" and the mirror always answered, "You are the fairest one of all".
But one day the mirror answered Snow White was the fairest in the land, and in a rage the queen gave orders to one of her Huntsmen to take Snow White into the woods and kill her.
The Huntsman had a kind heart and couldn't do the deed so told her to run away.  She fled into the woods where Seven little dwarfs lived.  Their house was small and strange.

Snow White entered the little house and finding it very untidy, started to clean up.  Upstairs she found seven little beds.  She was very tired and stretching out on one of the beds, was soon asleep.
When the Dwarfs came home they were surprised to find Snow White and after some argument, decided to let her stay.  She promised to cook and look after them.
The Queen discovered where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch, took a poisoned apple and set out for the Dwarfs cottage.  She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and as soon as she bit the apple, she sank into unconsciousness.
Thinking she was dead, the Dwarfs built a glass coffin and put her in it. For days she lay in the forest in her glass coffin.  One day, the Prince was riding through the forest looking for Snow White and found her.  He leaned over and kissed her.  She opened her eyes and sat up with a smile. Everyone was happy.  The Prince took Snow White to his palace where they were married and lived happily ever after.

Snowing in winter

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found? I love snow for the same reason I love Christmas: It brings people together while time stands still. Cozy couples lazily meandered the streets and children trudged sleds and chased snowballs. No one seemed to be in a rush to experience anything other than the glory of the day, with each other, whenever and however it happened The snow was endless, a heavy blanket on the outdoors; it had a way about it. A beauty. But I knew that, like many things, beauty could be deceiving. Unfortunately, There's no Snow in Indonesia, I really hope one day, the snow will fall in Indonesia, and I can see it with my own bare eyes and touch it with my hands.